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Our Tours

There are a lot of different options when choosing a tour to visit the Alcazar.


The best website to look for guided tour is ; this webpage will provide you with different options of guided tours to visit the Alcazar.

  • The price range is between 20€ & 50€ depending on the features included in your guide and the day you want to visit.


In case of not wanting a tour, and only wanting to visit the Alcazar by your own, you may buy your tickets at the main webpage:

  • General admission to the ground floor: €11.50

  • Admission to the ground floor for seniors and students from 17 to 25 years: €2.00

  • Admission to visit the Royal Bedroom: €4.50


Come to the Royal Alcazar on Monday, it is free!! *from 18:00 to 19:00*

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